Showing posts with label february 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label february 2025. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Month in Review: February 2025

February felt like a really busy month, but I'm also not entirely sure where the  month went or what I even did--anyone else feel that way?? 

In personal news, there's not much to share! I'm still feeling a bit stuck on the job front. I have a few things I do for work currently, but I've still yet to find something a bit more stable/rewarding and (as a bonus) that I actually want to do, so... that journey continues. I'm fortunate to be able to pay all my bills with my husband, but I'd like to do a bit more so I can do more things I love, like aerial!
I've also still been working my way through learning the ins and outs of Blender for CGI purposes (and surprisingly I've been having almost more fun with 2D? the 2D/3D mix has been really neat to learn) and it's truly been a lot of fun to have as a side project. One positive to the month is that I had my jury duty summons for February and I called in every day, but never had to actually report and make my way down to the courthouse, so I'm taking that as a win because yes, I know jury duty is important, but I also lose money when I go, so... I would prefer not to (yes, this is a Bartleby reference).  This is probably the first time I've ever not had to go in or gotten picked, so it's pretty thrilling. 

In reading news, February was a great month. Highlights were The Raven Scholar, which is definitely a new favorite, An Indigenous People's History of the United States, which provided a really well executed history, and the final Emily Wilde book! I managed to get up a few more reviews this month, which was a goal of mine to get back on track, and I still managed to read a decent amount of books, so I'm calling it a good overall reading month. 

How was your February and what books have you been reading?  Let me know how your month was below and what you've been reading!

# books read: 11

The Raven Scholar by Antonia Hodgson ★★★★★
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: I loved this! This was such an interesting new fantasy with a really unique narrative voice that really captivated me. Definitely put this one your TBRs, it comes out in April and I will have my review for it up closer to its publication!

Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales (Emily Wilde #3) by Heather Fawcett ★★★★
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: This was a really solid conclusion to the Emily Wilde series and I think it provided a really satisfying and fitting ending. It wasn't my favorite book of the series, but that's okay. My review is linked below. 

An Indigenous People's History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz ★★★★
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This is a nonfiction history of the US from the point of view of the indigenous population and it is a really great read. I think this is a perfect starting off point for anyone who wants to know more about the history of the United States that isn't as readily taught. 

When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi ★★★★
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: I was so taken by the premise of this book--what would happen if the moon just... turned to cheese!?--and even though I don't tend to gravitate towards books with a more humorous premise, I'm glad I did this time because it was a pretty fun read. Definitely a bit thought-provoking at times with regards to life's meaning, etc. My review will be up soon!

Midnight Storm Moonless Sky: Indigenous Horror Stories (Vol. 1) by Alex Soop ★★★
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: These were rather hit or miss overall, with the hits being pretty good and the misses just, well, missing. I'm glad I gave it a shot and will certainly have a look at more from this author in the future. 

The Third Rule of Time Travel by Philip Fracassi ★★★★
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: Generally, I'm not a big time travel fan, but I don't mind giving time travel stories a go now and again, and I thought this one was pretty well done. I liked the approach to time travel in a scientific manner and the different ideas the author played with regarding it and its implications/consequences. My review will be up soon!

Something in the Walls by Daisy Pearce ★★★
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: This was a bit of a so-so horror for me. My review is already up where you can read my full thoughts, but I would say it's an interesting horror story with some supernatural aspects, it just didn't fully work for me. 

Where Wolves Don't Die by Anton Treuer ★★★★
Source: Library | Format: Paperback
Thoughts: This was a nice coming of age sort of story about an Ojibwe teen as he navigates a variety of struggles and learns more about his culture. My review is linked below!

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma 
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: I've read bits and pieces from this book over the years, but I don't think I'd ever actually read the whole thing through, so it felt like it was finally time. I think there are a number of criticisms about this book, some valid and some that I think are valid differences in opinions, but overall I think it gives a pretty good entry point into understanding different types of trauma, how they affect people, etc., so anyone who has experienced trauma, knows someone who has experienced trauma, or would simply like to learn more about the topic could benefit from this. 

The Guilt Pill by Saumya Dave ★★★.75
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: I appreciated Dave's focus on women and the struggles of being a new mother and maintaining a career, all the while having to act like you have everything under control and know what you're doing. I thought some aspects of this book required some suspension of disbelief, but overall I think this book will resonate with the audience its meant to find. 

Tell Them You Lied by Laura Leffler ★★
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This book actually irritated me, and overall I've considered it a bit of a waste of my time, which feels horrible to say, but it was just so frustrating. There's an audience for this one out there, but I don't think it's me. I'll probably post a shorter review closer to its publication with more of my thoughts. It's a two star instead of a one star because the writing itself was good and I feel like this author has potential.

Blog Memes:

Friday, January 31, 2025

Anticipated February 2025 Releases!


February around the corner means a whole new month of new releases! And February is truly packed with a wide array of upcoming titles, so be sure to have a look and let me know which books you're most looking forward to--and be sure to let me know if I've left any out of this list that you're really looking forward to. I've had the opportunity to read a number of these already and it is shaping up to be a great month of books (Grave Empire is a particularly fantastic one!). Happy reading!

Grave Empire by Richard Swan || February 4th -- Amazon |

Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett || February 11th --

Upon a Starlit Tide by Kell Woods || February 18th --

The Fourth Consort by Edward Ashton || February 25th -- Amazon |

Future's Edge by Gareth L. Powell || February 4th -- Amazon |

Hungerstone by Kat Dunn || February 18th -- Amazon |

The Black Orb by Ewhan Kim || February 4th -- Amazon |

Something in the Walls by Daisy Pearce || February 25th -- Amazon |

The Poorly Made and Other Things by Sam Rebelein || February 11th -- Amazon |

Symbiote by Michael Nayak || February 11th -- Amazon |

Listen to Your Sister by Neena Viel || February 4th -- Amazon |

Gliff by Ali Smith || February 4th -- Amazon |

The Otherwhere Post by Emily J. Taylor || February 25th --

The Garden by Nick Newman || February 18th -- Amazon |

The Spirit Collection of Thorne Hall by J. Ann Thomas || February 11th -- Amazon |

Greenteeth by Molly O'Neill || February 25th -- Amazon |

Whiteout by R.S. Burnett || February 11th -- Amazon |

Waiting for the Long Night Moon by Amanda Peters || February 11th -- Amazon |

Black Woods, Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey || February 4th -- Amazon |

After the North Pole by Erling Kagge || February 11th -- Amazon |

Daughter of Daring by Mallory O'Meara || February 18th -- Amazon |

Boy by Nicole Galland || February 25th -- Amazon |

The Dollhouse Academy by Margarite Montimore || February 11th -- Amazon |

Beartooth by Callan Wink || February 11th -- Amazon |

All Better Now by Neal Shusterman || February 4th -- Amazon |

Why On Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology edited by Rosiee Thor & Vania Stoyanova || February 4th --

One Day, Everyone Will Have Always Been Against This by Omar El Akkad || February 25th -- Amazon |

These Vengeful Wishes by Vanessa Montalban || February 4th -- Amazon |

The Strange Case of Jane O. by Karen Thompson Walker || February 25th -- Amazon |

The Forest King's Daughter by Elly Blake || February 11th -- Amazon |

The Queens of Crime by Marie Benedict || February 11th -- Amazon |

I Am the Cage by Allison Sweet Grant || February 18th -- Amazon |

What are your anticipated February releases?