Showing posts with label john gwynne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label john gwynne. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2022

The Friday Face-Off: Good vs. Evil

Friday Face Off New

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe.  You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
Good vs. Evil

Good vs. evil certainly feels like the ultimate face-off! I felt like there were a lot of big options to go with, such as Lord of the Rings, but since I'm sure those have tons of editions I decided to feature John Gwynne's The Faithful and the Fallen series instead. These ones don't have that many different editions out there, but I still thought they'd be fun to share and take a quick look at. 

Book One:
Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen, #1)     Злоба (Верные и павшие, #1)
2012 UK Hardcover | 2022 Russian

Book Two:
Valour (The Faithful and the Fallen, #2)   Valor (The Faithful and the Fallen, #2)
2014 UK Hardover | 2014 US Paperback | 2020 German Audiobook

Book Three:
Ruin (The Faithful and the Fallen, #3)   
2015 UK Hardcover | 2021 German Audiobook

Book Four:
Wrath (The Faithful and the Fallen, #4)   Wrath (The Faithful and the Fallen, #4)
Wrath (The Faithful and the Fallen, #4)
2016 UK Hardcover | 2016 US Paperback | 2016 Audiobook

My choice(s):
There aren't too many options, but I really love the simplicity of the original UK covers. They follow a really nice pattern and have such a fantastic classic fantasy vibe that I really enjoy. It's interesting how some just have a very simple color change, while the audiobooks really get a bigger makeover. What do you think?

What cover(s) do you like the most?

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Review: The Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #2) by John Gwynne


The Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworn Saga #2) by John Gwynne
Publication Date: April 12th, 2022
Paperback. 672 pages.

About The Hunger of the Gods:

"The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne’s acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance. 

Lik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. 

As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own – and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. 

Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. 

Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. 

Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth."

John Gwynne has done it yet again and crafted an incredibly complex, thrilling, and action-packed story of loss, betrayal, family, and honor. There is no sophomore slump to be found here! This sequel is just as gripping as the first book in this trilogy, The Shadow of the Gods, and acts as an excellent contiuation of the story. 

A quick note before diving into the meat of this review: if you, like me, absolutely loved The Shadow of the Gods but have realized that you’re a little fuzzy on some of the finer points of what happened since reading it last year, don’t despair! Gwynne has included a very handy “the story so far” section at the beginning of The Hunger of the Gods to help all of us without having to re-reading the first book (which would be awesome, but time-consuming). Any author that does this automatically gets some bonus points in my book. 

I loved getting to catch up with Orka, Varg, Elvar, and all the additional cast of characters that surround them, including members of the the Bloodsworn and the Battle-Grim–I love them all! We also get a couple new POVs to follow, but I’ll leave them as a surprise for you to discover on your own reading experience. Gwynne truly excel in writing characters that are well-developed and complex, full of strengths, weaknesses, and strong personalities that earn them a memorable place in this series and in my mind. Orka remains my favorite POV to read from, followed by Varg and then Elvar, and this is largely due to Orka's unwavering determination to stop at nothing to find her son. When her mind is set on both finding and avenging her family, there is really nothing that can stop her or cause her fear–other than the fear she holds for her son's safety. I can't get enough of following Orka on this journey and can't wait to see where things go next. 

Varg and Elvar have similarly compelling storylines, though I did feel as though Varg's wasn't quite as gripping as in The Shadow of the Gods and that Elvar's had a bit more to it this time. Still, I loved watching Varg's bond continue to grow with the Bloodsworn and to see him continue to learn how to master his own abilities and really understand who he is while also working slowly but surely towards his goal of finidng his sister. Elvar faces some particularly momentous moments in this book, though I won't give any hints as to what those are. Suffice to say, it was really captivating getting to watch her overcome new obstacles and really start to understand what she is capable of. 

Something that I love about Gwynne’s books is his ability to portray a grim and brutal reality without ever overdoing it or employing it for a sensationalist value. All of his violence has a purpose in that it moves the plot forward and often even showcases something about a specific character’s personality or motivations. It’s not violence for the sake of violence, and I appreciate that a lot. All of the battle scenes are also really well done, and it's always obvious how well Gwynne knows his stuff, from the fine details of clothing and environment to the weapons, armor, and fighting techniques. It adds so much to this book and makes it that much more compelling for me. 

Another aspect that I appreciate about the Bloodsworn Saga thus far are the strong themes of honor and fighting for your family and what you believe in. I think the ways in which Gwynne incorporates these ideas are what really give this series that extra boost to make it so epic and easy to become invested in. The Hunger of the Gods was an easy book for me to lose myself in, and a lot of that had to do with the plotting and pacing. You can’t really predict where the story is going to go next or what trouble any of these characters are going to run into, which is always the hallmark of a gripping story for me. 

Lastly, I also really enjoy the Norse-inspired setting because it’s very Viking-based, but maintains very unique and inventive elements that keep things new. There seems to have been a huge influx in Norse-related entertainment in recent years which has honestly made me slightly burned out on it, but something about Gwynne’s writing and how he crafts this story, world, and lore makes it entirely possible and enjoyable for me to jump into this world. There are gods interacting with mortals, various creatures from tennurs to frost spiders, and so much more packed into this vibrant world. 

Overall, I've given The Hunger of the Gods 4.5 stars! I do think I loved The Shadow of the Gods the slightest bit more, but I really can't fauly anything about The Hunger of the Gods and am now dying to read the next book.

*I received a copy of The Hunger of the Gods courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

Buy the book: Amazon |

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne & Spear by Nicola Griffith


Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are: 
The Hunger of the Gods (Bloodsworne Saga #2) by John Gwynne 
Publication: April 14th, 2022
Hardcover. 656 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon | 

"The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne’s acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance. 

Lik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. 

As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own – and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. 

Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. 

Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. 

Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth."
Who else is obsessed with this cover?? I really loved The Shadow of the Gods when I read it last and have been very eagerly anticipating its sequel after that super intense ending. Can't wait to read this one!

Spear by Nicola Griffith
Publication: April 19th, 2022
Hardcover. 192 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon | 

"The girl knows she has a destiny before she even knows her name. She grows up in the wild, in a cave with her mother, but visions of a faraway lake come to her on the spring breeze, and when she hears a traveler speak of Artos, king of Caer Leon, she knows that her future lies at his court. 

And so, brimming with magic and eager to test her strength, she breaks her covenant with her mother and, with a broken hunting spear and mended armour, rides on a bony gelding to Caer Leon. On her adventures she will meet great knights and steal the hearts of beautiful women. She will fight warriors and sorcerers. And she will find her love, and the lake, and her fate."
I read Nicola Griffith's Hild back around its release and have been wanting to read more from her ever since. Spear sounds incredible and I am really looking forward to diving into this fantasy/historical fiction-esque book–Griffith's writing is stunning and I can't wait to immerse myself again. 

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?

Monday, April 26, 2021

Review: The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne

The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1)
The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga #1) by John Gwynne
Publication Date: May 4th, 2021
Paperback. 528 pages.

About The Shadow of the Gods:

"After the gods warred and drove themselves to extinction, the cataclysm of their fall shattered the land of Vigrið.
Now a new world is rising, where power-hungry jarls feud and monsters stalk the woods and mountains. A world where the bones of the dead gods still hold great power for those brave - or desperate - enough to seek them out.
Now, as whispers of war echo across the mountains and fjords, fate follows in the footsteps of three people: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman who has rejected privilege in pursuit of battle fame, and a thrall who seeks vengeance among the famed mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.
All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods . . ."

This may just be the best thing I've read by John Gwynne yet, and that's saying something considering how much I've enjoyed his other work! The Shadow of the Gods is a Norse-inspired epic fantasy that is packed world-building, compelling characters, and a plot that's bursting with intrigue. The Shadow of the Gods has a strong start that got me hooked, and yet somehow it just got better and better as the story went, and by the end of I found myself utterly shocked at the twists that Gwynne incorporated into the story. 

We follow three main perspectives throughout this book, and the first one we're introduced to is Orka. Orka is a woman on a mission–and she's not someone you should get in the way of, either. I found her focused determination on her family incredibly engaging and because of this and her many other skills she is easily one of the most exceptionally well-crafted characters of this book. I'm not sure how much I should really say about Orka's particular plot narrative since I feel like many of her early plot points can be seen as spoilers, so I'll just simply say that Orka is a captivating character whose interactions with others were always a surprise and yet somehow also very fitting with the character that we were first introduced to. You won't be disappointed with Orka, I promise!

Varg, from whom we get our second main perspective, is a man bent on vengeance. His thirst for revenge and to discover the cause of his sister's deaths leads him into the hands of the Bloodsworn, a band of people he never expected to join, but that end up playing a large part in his journey. Varg has a similar focused determination to Orka's, but his has a certain flexibility within it that, although doesn't waver from his goal, allows him to take whatever steps necessary that will bring him closer to his goal, even if it means deviating from his original plans at times. As long as he ends up in the position he needs to be, he's down for pretty much anything.

The last perspective we follow is that of Elvar's, a member of the Battle-Grim who is keen to live a life free from unwanted duties and obligations in order to live a life that she chooses. Evlar's storyline is probably the most "mysterious" of the bunch in the sense that we don't really know all that much about her past or her motivations until quite a ways into the book. We largely get a look at what her current life is before getting some major revelations about her, her past, and her present. 

Although all three of these characters lead drastically different lives and experiences, I was floored by how Gwynne managed to interweave all three of these perspectives and bring them together in such a way that felt both effortless and yet perfectly engineered to fit the plot seamlessly. This review also hasn't even touched on some of the many secondary characters that brought this world to life and made me feel so connected to the story. It's hard not to feel yourself become invested in some of these characters' lives and especially their relationships with the primary perspective characters that we follow.

The world-building was fantastic and I really appreciated how well Gwynne incorporate Norse-inspired elements to create a world that felt both familiar and different at the same time. I think I really enjoyed that although this was very Norse-like, there weren't any references to Norse gods, which I feel has become fairly common so this allowed the book to stand out a bit and also allowed for Gwynne to create more unique elements in his own world. I can tell that there are big things coming in this trilogy–hell, there have already been some pretty big things happening in the first book!–and I can't wait to see what directions Gwynne will steer this narrative to.

The pacing of The Shadow of the Gods was, dare I say, perfect–which is typically how I feel about most of Gwynne's books, anyway. There are plenty of action and fast-paced scenes, but it didn't feel like this book was only action, as there was plenty of plotting and dialogue to keep the plot moving and interesting. I get bored if there's too much action, so that's how I know that Gwynne had a good balance of both. Similarly, this might be partially because Gwynne himself is a Viking re-enactor, but I felt as though his descriptions of battle scenes, gear, and other elements were always so detailed and compelling, which made everything feel real and that much more interesting to follow.

Overall, The Shadow of the Gods is yet another book getting five stars from me! This was so enjoyable and I really have nothing negative to say other than the fact that I'm sad that I now have to wait for the next installment--but I also know that it will be well worth the wait. 
 *I received a copy of The Shadow of the Gods courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review.* 

Buy the book: Amazon | IndieBound

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne, Black Water Sister by Zen Cho, & The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman

Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.
May is packed with releases, which means we are once again going to be featuring three books each week for Can't-Wait Wednesday because one or two are simply not enough. :)

This week's upcoming book spotlights are: 
The Shadow of the Gods (The Bloodsworn Saga, #1)
The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne
Publication: May 6th, 2021
Paperback. 505 pages.
Pre-order: AmazonIndieBound

"Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.
After the gods warred and drove themselves to extinction, the cataclysm of their fall shattered the land of Vigrið.
Now a new world is rising, where power-hungry jarls feud and monsters stalk the woods and mountains. A world where the bones of the dead gods still hold great power for those brave - or desperate - enough to seek them out.
Now, as whispers of war echo across the mountains and fjords, fate follows in the footsteps of three people: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman who has rejected privilege in pursuit of battle fame, and a thrall who seeks vengeance among the famed mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.
All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods . . . "
I actually just finished an ARC of this one a couple days and oh man, guys, if the setting/premise at all captures your attention then you must pick it up! It was so riveting and well-written, I plan to have a review up closer to release, but quick spoiler.. it was a five star read for me! Can't wait to see the finalized copy--isn't that cover amazing?

Black Water Sister
Black Water Sister by Zen Cho
Publication: May 11th, 2021
Ace Books
Hardcover. 384 pages.
Pre-order: AmazonIndieBound

"A reluctant medium discovers the ties that bind can unleash a dangerous power in this compelling Malaysian-set contemporary fantasy.
Jessamyn Teoh is closeted, broke and moving back to Malaysia, a country she left when she was a toddler. So when Jess starts hearing voices, she chalks it up to stress. But there's only one voice in her head, and it claims to be the ghost of her estranged grandmother, Ah Ma. In life Ah Ma was a spirit medium, the avatar of a mysterious deity called the Black Water Sister. Now she's determined to settle a score against a gang boss who has offended the god--and she's decided Jess is going to help her do it.
Drawn into a world of gods, ghosts, and family secrets, Jess finds that making deals with capricious spirits is a dangerous business. As Jess fights for retribution for Ah Ma, she'll also need to regain control of her body and destiny. If she fails, the Black Water Sister may finish her off for good. "
This has such an interesting premise, and something about the phrase "drawn into a world of gods, ghosts, and family secrets" just makes me really excited. Can't wait to check this one out!

The Blacktongue Thief (Blacktongue, #1)
The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman
Publication: May 25th, 2021
Tor Books
Hardcover. 416 pages.
Pre-order: AmazonIndieBound

"Kinch Na Shannack owes the Takers Guild a small fortune for his education as a thief, which includes (but is not limited to) lock-picking, knife-fighting, wall-scaling, fall-breaking, lie-weaving, trap-making, plus a few small magics. His debt has driven him to lie in wait by the old forest road, planning to rob the next traveler that crosses his path.
But today, Kinch Na Shannack has picked the wrong mark.
Galva is a knight, a survivor of the brutal goblin wars, and handmaiden of the goddess of death. She is searching for her queen, missing since a distant northern city fell to giants.
Unsuccessful in his robbery and lucky to escape with his life, Kinch now finds his fate entangled with Galva's. Common enemies and uncommon dangers force thief and knight on an epic journey where goblins hunger for human flesh, krakens hunt in dark waters, and honor is a luxury few can afford. "
I've been intrigued by The Blacktongue Thief ever since I saw it a while back, but lately I have just been seeing so many positive reviews and raves for it that I am now really hoping to have a chance to pick it up!

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?

Monday, March 30, 2020

Review: A Time of Courage by John Gwynne

A Time of Courage (Of Blood and Bone, #3)
A Time of Courage by John Gwynne
Publication Date: April 7th, 2020
Paperback. 720 pages

About A Time a Courage:

"The demon king Asroth has been freed from his iron prison. Now, alongside his dark bride Fritha, he plans to conquer the whole of the Banished Lands. 

In the shadows of Forn Forest, Riv and the surviving Ben-Elim desperately search for a way to unite those who remain against Asroth's vast army. 

Far in the west, Drem is with the Order of the Bright Star, besieged by a demon horde. Their fragile defenses are on the brink of shattering, but they know that it is better to fight and die than to live without hope. 

And across the Banished Lands, armies are heading south, to settle ancient grudges and decide the fate of humanity."

What a truly phenomenal way to wrap up this trilogy! I've been thoroughly enjoying each installment in the Of Blood and Bone series from John Gwynne over the past few years and the fact that it's over is bittersweet, as it was a perfect conclusion, yet I'm still a little sad that's over. I know that Gwynne is already working on something new, though, so I know I won't have to keep my fingers crossed for too long for more fantasy from him!

A Time of Courage is the final, momentous occasion: Asroth has been released and everyone is readying to prepare for the ultimate battle of good vs. evil. As with A Time of Blood, I'm trying to refrain from mentioning any specific, characters, places, or plot so as to avoid spoilers for the previous two books as well as this one, so the only two characters I'll mention by name are Drem and Riv since they are both mentioned in the synopsis at the top.

Drem is easily one of my favorite fantasy characters and POVs to follow. He has some of the best development over the arc of this trilogy, starting out as a boy with limited knowledge of the world and the evils that exist and turning into a strong leader, fighter, and character with great respect for those around him (and who deserve it, of course). It's truly been a pleasure watching him grow, and his actions in this book were just as exciting and well-written as in the previous ones. The other character I'll mention is Riv, a fiery half-breed warrior who has had to jump through a lot of different hoops during her time training and eventually fighting in battles. Riv has also been fascinating to follow and she has easily gone through some of the most dramatic changes and experiences in these books, which helped to make her such an interesting character.

In addition to Drem and Riv, there are three additional POVs that we follow that I enjoyed just about as much as I enjoyed Drem and Riv's. There are a lot of great things about Gwynne's writing, but one of his strengths is in developing really well-rounded and interesting characters that you cant help but become invested in. Even the characters on the 'villain' side tend to have complex motivations that make them captivating characters to follow and learn more about.

Another element of Gwynne's writing that has impressed me since the start are his battle scenes. I've said in many other reviews that I don't tend to enjoy battle and fight scenes all that much because they are usually difficult to follow and, well, I tend to get to bored and just want to know who gets hurt and/or dies so that I can move on to the next scene. This has never been the case in any of Gwynne's books that I've read and it pleases me so much to get such satisfaction and enjoyment out of his battles. I'm not sure if it's just because of how much research he does or simply his passion for writing these and real-life interest, but the way he writes battle scenes are clear, compelling, and genuinely keep me at the edge of my seat following along with the action.

In a time of fantasy where grimdark is gaining in popularity (and look, I love some good grimdark!) it was refreshing to dive into a world that felt epic, classic, and optimistic despite the tragedy that befalls the characters. There's something so warm and welcoming about this trilogy--it's not that it's some light story or anything because it certainly gets extremely dark, but rather that there's something so classic about this that just reminds me why I love epic fantasy so much. It's authentic and full of big characters and big themes, an epic world with a strong magic system, and plenty of magical beasts and creatures, all of which combine to create a book that feels timeless, both  classic and inventive, all rolled into one.

Overall, I've given A Time of Courage five stars!

*I received a copy of A Time of Courage courtesy of Orbit in exchange for an honest review. This has no effect on my rating of the novel.*

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Review: A Time of Blood by John Gwynne

A Time of Blood (Of Blood and Bone, #2)
A Time of Blood (Of Blood and Bone #2)
by John Gwynne 
Publication: April 16th, 2019
Paperback. 512 pages.

About A Time of Blood:

"Defy the darkness. Defend the light. 

Drem and his friends flee the battle at Starstone Lake to warn the Order of the Bright Star. They’ve witnessed horrors they’ll never forget, such as magic warping men into beasts. But worst of all, they’ve seen a demon rise from the dead – making it even more powerful. Now Fritha, the demons’ high priestess, is hunting Drem’s party. 

Concealed in Forn Forest, Riv struggles to understand her half-breed heritage. She represents the warrior angels’ biggest secret, one which could break their society. And when she’s found by the Ben-Elim’s high captain, he swoops in for the kill. 

As demonic forces multiply, they send a mighty war-host to overthrow the angel’s stronghold. This could decimate the fractured Ben-Elim. And their allies in the Order may be too overwhelmed to send aid – with Fritha and her monstrous beasts closing in. Like heroes of old, Drem and the Bright Star’s warriors must battle to save their land. But can the light triumph when the dark is rising?"

A Time of Blood is truly a phenomenal followup to A Time of Dread that only makes this world and storyline more exciting. In much the same way as when I read A Time of Dread, I can't quite put my finger on what it is that makes the Of Blood and Bone books so compelling and stand out so much. Of course I'm aware that the characters are wonderfully crafted and multidimensional, the world-building is effortless yet fully developed, and the plot itself is compelling, but there's still just something special about the way Gwynne writes these things that makes it impossible to put this book down. I read it in just two and a half days because I couldn't manage to stop turning the pages, and for a book of this size, that's pretty good for me.

The story picks up pretty much right where A Time of Dread ended so there's no real struggle with getting reacquainted or determining where things are located. My memory was a little fuzzy on the minor details after the intense end of the first book (although there were certain things I absolutely could not forget), but within the first few pages everything came back to me and I was right back in the world, fully invested in the characters and the conflicts. The world-building also came right back, and I liked that a lot of the settings continued to be explored in this book as well.

When I was getting ready to discuss the characters, it occurred to me that by mentioning or not mentioning characters I could easily give away some spoilers for the first book, so for that reason I think I am going to refrain from being too detailed when it comes to the characters. I will, however, remark upon how much I love Drem and how much I have truly enjoyed watching him grow over these two books. I actually think one of my favorite parts of A Time of Blood is the character development. I love the honor and respect that so many of these characters hold and value, as they really give this story a grounding and very classic feel that I don't see a lot in fantasy lately. The fact that many of these characters and groups of people are not strictly "good" or "bad" is also something that I really appreciated, as I particularly like when characters have a bit more of some grey elements to them. It's not that most of the characters are morally grey, but there's a lot to each person and/or group, such as the Ben-Elim, that really adds some depth and adds a layer of authenticity. Additionally, fantasy that focuses on battles or has a lot of battle/fighting elements can sometimes lack when it comes to the development of characters and their personal stakes, feelings, thoughts, etc. Not so with Gwynne--he dives deep into the minds of his characters and leaves every thought available to the reader. It's nice to read about the struggles of the characters and understand how human and real they are.

The pacing is also remarkably steady, with an even balance of fast-paced fighting scenarios and steadier scenes focusing on characters and plot developments. I believe I mentioned in my review for A Time of Dread how well-written Gwynne's action scenes are, and that hasn't changed a bit in this book. I tire easily of action and battle scenes in books--often times they are drawn out, uninteresting, and I end up either skimming them or wishing I were skimming them. That, however, is not the case with this book! I hardly even realize I'm so engrossed in an action scene until I pull myself out of the story and realize how lost I was in it. The creepy creatures and monsters from the first book are bigger and even worse this time around and added an intense level of darkness and inventiveness to this book.

Overall, I've given A Time of Blood 4.5 stars! If you love a good fantasy with epic stakes and compelling characters, the Of Blood and Bone series is for you. 

*I received a copy of A Time of Blood in exchange for an honest review. This has no effect on my rating of the novel.*

Buy the book: Amazon | Book Depository | IndieBound

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: A Time of Blood by John Gwynne & The Raven's Tale by Cat Winters

Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlight is:
A Time of Blood by John Gwynne 
(Of Blood and Bone #2)
Publication Date: April 16th, 2019
512 pages

A Time Of Blood (Of Blood and Bone #2)From Goodreads: 

Defy the darkness. Defend the light. 

Drem and his friends flee the battle at Starstone Lake to warn the Order of the Bright Star. They’ve witnessed horrors they’ll never forget, such as magic warping men into beasts. But worst of all, they’ve seen a demon rise from the dead – making it even more powerful. Now Fritha, the demons’ high priestess, is hunting Drem’s party. 

Concealed in Forn Forest, Riv struggles to understand her half-breed heritage. She represents the warrior angels’ biggest secret, one which could break their society. And when she’s found by the Ben-Elim’s high captain, he swoops in for the kill. 

As demonic forces multiply, they send a mighty war-host to overthrow the angel’s stronghold. This could decimate the fractured Ben-Elim. And their allies in the Order may be too overwhelmed to send aid – with Fritha and her monstrous beasts closing in. Like heroes of old, Drem and the Bright Star’s warriors must battle to save their land. But can the light triumph when the dark is rising?"
I just received a copy of this one from Orbit and I cannot wait to read it! A Time of Dread was epic and such an engaging fantasy, I've been really excited to read more from Gwynne. Also, this cover is a really nice take on the 'weapon cover' style, I love all the red.

The Raven's Tale by Cat Winters
Publication Date: April 16th, 2019
Amulet Books
368 pages
Pre-order: Amazon | Book Depository | IndieBound

The Raven's Tale
From Goodreads: 

Seventeen-year-old Edgar Poe counts down the days until he can escape his foster family—the wealthy Allans of Richmond, Virginia. He hungers for his upcoming life as a student at the prestigious new university, almost as much as he longs to marry his beloved Elmira Royster. However, on the brink of his departure, all his plans go awry when a macabre Muse named Lenore appears to him. Muses are frightful creatures that lead Artists down a path of ruin and disgrace, and no respectable person could possibly understand or accept them. But Lenore steps out of the shadows with one request: “Let them see me!”"

I've been secretly wishing for stories inspired by Poe's work for so long, and since I can't write them myself, I'm beyond thrilled to read The Raven's Tale. I really can't wait until this one is finally out and I can (hopefully) have a chance to read it!

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

First Chapter Tuesday: A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland & Malice by John Gwynne

First Chapter Tuesday is hosted every Tuesday by Vicki @ I'd Rather Be at the Beach. This is meme in which bloggers share the first chapter of a book that they are currently reading or thinking about reading soon. Join the fun by making your own post and linking up over at Vicki's blog, or simply check it out to find more new books to read!

For this week's First Chapter Tuesday I thought I would share some intros from two books that I've just started reading!

A Conspiracy of Truths by Alexandra Rowland
A Conspiracy of Truths 

"The whole mess began in a courtroom in Vsila, the capital of Nuryevet, where I was being put on trial for something stupid. 

“What’s all this about?” I said, not for the first time. 

“Charges of witchcraft,” they said; at least, that was what it boiled down to. 

“Utterly ridiculous,” I said. “We got some witnesses,” they said. “Your witnesses can go fuck themselves,” says I, although not in so many words. 

I couldn’t even hear the witnesses from where I was sitting. The guards had stuffed me in an iron cage at one end of this giant fucking hall in the House of Justice, and of course it makes sense to someone to put the witnesses at the other damn end, as far away as possible from the man accused, like I was an afterthought of some kind."

This is one that I've had my eye on since before it came out, then i received it as a gift at Christmas, and I'm just now getting to it! It seems like it's going to be a really clever and entertaining read, so I'm excited to get more into it. I'm a little obsessed with the cover, also.

Buy the book: Amazon Book Depository | IndieBound

Malice by John Gwynne
Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen, #1) 


"Prologue: EVNIS 
The Year 1122 of the Age of Exiles, Wolf Moon 

Forest litter crunched under Evnis’ feet, his breath misting as he whispered a curse. He swallowed, his mouth dry. 

He was scared, he had to admit, but who would not be? What he was doing this night would make him traitor to his king. And worse. 

He paused and looked back. Beyond the forest’s edge he could still see the stone circle, behind it the walls of Badun, his home, its outline silvered in the moonlight. It would be so easy to turn back, to go home and choose another path for his life. He felt a moment of vertigo, as if standing on the edge of a great chasm, and the world seemed to slow, waiting on the outcome of his decision. I have come this far, I will see it through. He looked up at the forest, a wall of impenetrable shadow; he pulled his cloak tighter and walked into the darkness.

The Year 1140 of the Age of Exiles, Birth Moon 

Corban watched the spider spinning its web in the grass between his feet, legs working tirelessly as it wove its thread between a small rock and a clump of grass. Dewdrops suddenly sparkled. Corban looked up and blinked as sunlight spilt across the meadow. 

The morning had been a colourless grey when his attention first wandered. His mother was deep in conversation with a friend, and so he'd judged it safe for a while to crouch down and study the spider at his feet. He considered it far more interesting than the couple preparing to say their vows in front of him, even if one of them was blood kin to Queen Alona, wife of King Brenin. I'll stand when I hear old Heb start the handbinding, or when Mam sees me, he thought."

Since there was a prologue, I felt obligated to share a snippet from both the prologue and the first chapter since prologues can vary so much in style. This is another fantasy series that I've been meaning to read for quite a while! I started Gwynne's latest series last year with A Time of Dread, which I enjoyed a lot and which actually takes place after the events of this series, so... I really think I should get to this one. 
Buy the book: Amazon | Book Depository | IndieBound

What do you think? Would you keep reading these books? (And feel free to join in and make your own post!) 

*Excerpts are taken from the novel itself; I do not claim to own any part of the excerpt.

Monday, February 12, 2018

A Time of Dread by John Gwynne

*A Time of Dread is available Tuesday, February 20th!*

A Time of Dread by John Gwynne. Orbit Books, 2018. Paperback. 480 pages.

Before starting my review, I will first confess that I have not read Gwynne's The Faithful and the Fallen series. I have it up at the top of my 'want to read' list (it's a mental list, sure, but's still a list!), but this is coming out really soon and Orbit sent me a copy, so... I had to read this one! Rest assured, it is not necessary to have read the previous series (Gwynne says this himself), but it would help to provide some backstory.

A Time of Dread takes place in the Banished Lands, the same world as his Gwynne's previous series, but it takes place about 130 years after the events of those books. To take a quite from John Gwynne himself answering a question about this book, "just as if you were reading a history book, you could read about the Fall of the Roman Empire without knowing all about Julius Caesar, but if you did, it would make the reading experience a little richer and deeper." And this is why I plan to go back and read the other series, because I have no doubt that it will be brilliant if it has even half the skill and wonder of A Time of Dread.

What I loved the most about A Time of Dread was that it felt really unpredictable. I truly could not anticipate many of the events that occurred in this book, and that is starting to become a rare event; it is also a surefire way for me to know that a book or series has great potential and that an author really knows that they are doing. There was something unique about this book that really captured my interest and made me genuinely curious to find out what would happen in this world and with these characters.

Along with the unpredictable nature of Gwynne's story, I also found that Gwynne's writing was much simpler than I expected--and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. Fantasy often has a tendency to become bogged down with extraordinary large amounts of extra information about the world, gods, magic, etc. etc. that, although interesting, can sometimes make things confusing or a bit of a slog to get through. I think Gwynne found a really solid line between having an incredibly rich, intriguing world and having a world that is understandable and also interesting. It felt as if I was given information about the world in simple bits, but at the same time it was still very deep and full of information that made this world incredibly vibrant and satisfying. In fact, it is partly because of how he presented this world and concept that I am so incredibly eager to read his first series that takes place in this same world--I truly want to know more about the Banished Lands and the history of this world.

Another area of excellence is with the characters. We follow the perspectives of Drem, Sig, Bleda, and Riv, and each one is fascinating. I won't go into much detail about each one in order to avoid the chance of any possible spoilers, but suffice to say that I found myself enmeshed in each character's life. I particularly liked how much development occurred around each character, including both larger dynamic changes and smaller ones. Some, like Drem, discover large secrets and a new, unexpected purpose to their life; others, like Riv, also unearth shocking secrets, but also learn to focus their minds on the goals that they have been training for all of their lives. All in all, I actually enjoyed each perspective (and as you may or may not know by now, I am not always a huge fan of shifting perspectives), particularly that of Sig's and Drem's.

A Time of Dread is also very dark, bloody, and violent--which, I mean, the cover alone really conveys this idea well enough. There is indeed a lingering sense of dread that follows both the characters and the reader as we journey through each page together and uncover the darkness that seems to always be lurking around the corner. 

One last area I'd like to applaud is Gwynne's depiction of battle and fights--these were bloody brilliant (no pun intended). As I've mentioned in previous reviews, I tend to find myself easily lost in long battle scenes that have an exorbitant amount of action and movement--something about the spatial aspect tends to get messed up in this tangled head of mine. As a result, a lot of battle scenes sort of become blurs and may or may not get the skim treatment when I try to read them... except, fortunately, for Gwynne's. I was able to actually follow these fights. Gwynne describes everything so well and so carefully that I could truly picture what was happening and I found myself actually enjoying the scenes of action, which is really pretty rare for me.

Overall, I've given A Time of Dread five stars (surprise, surprise), and I truly can't recommend it enough to any fantasy fan---or anyone simply looking for a good book!

Buy the book: Amazon | Book Depository

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