Showing posts with label murakami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murakami. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami, translated by Alfred Birnbaum. 1993, Vintage Press. Paperback/Softcover. 400 pages.

When it comes to Murakami, I am never entirely sure where to begin my review. There is so much to say, yet also so little that can capture the quality and content of his writing. But alas, I shall do my best.

The world created by Murakami in Hard-Boiled Wonderland the End of the World is both familiar and unfamiliar. I always look forward to reading Murakami. His books aren't just ones that I pick up on the fly and read here and there; I almost always wait until I'm not overly busy to read his books, because they have this wonderfully cozy, calm effect that is perfect for those lazy days or breaks from the monotonous events of life. I always feel wonderfully refreshed after finishing one of his books, and Hard-Boiled Wonderland was no exception.

Hard-Boiled Wonderland is divided into two narratives. The first of these follows an unnamed man who works as a 'Calcutec' in a somewhat realistic, yet still entirely surreal, world setting. The other is set in a much more surreal, otherworldly setting called The End of the World, where a young man is separated from his shadow upon entering. I'm choosing to not divulge anything further, as you really need to explore it firsthand, plus it would be rather difficult to attempt to explain.

This book deals heavily with the ideas of reality, and what one's reality is, whether they are aware of it, and how it influences or doesn't influence their own reality. The two realities introduced above exist simultaneously, and Murakami sort of leaves it up to the reader to determine what similarities or connection may exist between the two. This is a very mind-bending book that plays with the idea of the conscious and subconscious, and the characters within take great interest in playing with the brain and how it works.

There are an abundance of heavy and somewhat complicated topics in this book, and the amount of discussions and explanations did actually get a bit exhausting at various points. It wasn't an exhaustion that was a result of boredom of lack of interest, but rather one where I just found myself becoming overwhelmed and I needed to put the book down for a while so that I could clear my head and refresh. Otherwise, the topic became too much for my brain to continue to comprehend - but hey, that could just be me.

Murakami's prose was, as usual, wonderfully crafted and calming. Even in moments of what would be perceived as 'high stress,' I can't help but feel calm and relaxed while reading it. He includes countless details that are both important and seemingly unimportant, but they never begin to feel like a drag, and I remained engaged. I actually love the little details of Murakami's writing: his vast music collections and mentions, the in-depth descriptions of food and food preparation, and the quirky and clever actions and words of each character.

I would also like to tip my hat to the wonderful translator Alfred Birnbaum who, although I have not read the original, does a wonderful job translating Murakami.

Overall, I am giving Hard-Boiled Wonderland four-and-a-half stars for its unique and thoughtful themes and story. I can't say that this has been my favorite Murakami, but it is still a great book that I would certainly recommend.

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Vintage; 2006. 480 pages. Paperback/Softcover.

Oh Murakami, where do  I even begin? So far, I have loved every book I have by Mr. Murakami. There is something in the way he writes that simply draws me in and holds me tight.

I can completely understand how his style might not appeal to everyone. It's very different, and I can understand the arguments saying that it's slow, boring, or too philosophical; it's understandable. But that's what I love about Murakami. he can write these incredibly stunning novels where at times it feels like absolutely nothing is happening, yet at the same time there is so much occurring. His writing is the ultimate calming presence; it really allows me to just stop, breathe, and calmly read a book. In my opinion, you can't rush through reading one of his books. Rather, you have to savor each word, each glance and movement of a character.

But, I digress, let us move on to this specific review...

Kafka on the Shore, as you can probably guess, was truly wonderful. We are introduced to the main two characters early on: Kafka Tamura, a teenage boy who decides it is time for him to leave home and embark on his own life journey, and Nakata, an elder gentleman who lives a very simplistic life, but is suddenly called away from this normalcy to embark on his own important journey. Along the way, both characters meet a wonderful cast of supporting characters, each with their own unique personality and outlook on life. Nakata and Kafka are drawn together in a not-so-obvious way, and their paths intertwine in an offbeat manner, resulting in the unveiling of a personal discovery of themselves.

As always, the characters Murakami brings to life are extraordinarily dynamic and have extremely unique personalities and ways of looking at life. He creates characters that are at the same very relatable, but also just different enough that we stay intrigued.

Murakami does wonderful work of blending reality with the metaphysical, doing so in such a way that they work hand-in-hand to create a unique narrative that keeps you hooked at every moment.
This novel is extremely blunt, yet also incredibly secretive. There's no shying away from sexuality, violence, or heavy philosophical debates. However, there's always something left unspoken, almost as if the reader is the one that should be left to decide what the true meaning of something is, or why certain things happened. It's an extremely addicting quality, and one that must be executed very carefully in order to be successful. Luckily, this particular instance was very successful. It's a thinking book, and a darn good one at that.

Also, there are talking cats. I think that speaks for itself.

Kafka on the Shore will be receiving five stars from me due to its beautiful prose, extraordinary plot, and delve into the philosophical aspects of life. If you have never had the chance to read Murakami, I highly suggest you do that. Norwegian Wood is also wonderful, and I highly recommend, as well as 1Q84, though it's a bit of a longer read; if you're looking for a short, more simplistic introduction to Murakami then I would highly suggest Norwegian Wood. Happy reading!