Showing posts with label the mermaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the mermaid. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday: Summerland by Hannu Ranjaniemi & The Mermaid by Christina Henry

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released!

This week's upcoming book spotlight is:
Summerland by Hannu Ranjaniemi
Publication Date: June 28th, 2018
320 pages
Pre-order: Amazon Book Depository 
From Goodreads:

"From Hannu Rajaniemi, one of the most exciting science fiction writers in the last decade, comes an awe-inspiring account of the afterlife and what happens when it spills over into the world of the living. 

Loss is a thing of the past. Murder is obsolete. Death is just the beginning. 

In 1938, death is no longer feared but exploited. Since the discovery of the afterlife, the British Empire has extended its reach into Summerland, a metropolis for the recently deceased. 

Yet Britain isn’t the only contender for power in this life and the next. The Soviets have spies in Summerland, and the technology to build their own god. 

When SIS agent Rachel White gets a lead on one of the Soviet moles, blowing the whistle puts her hard-earned career at risk. The spy has friends in high places, and she will have to go rogue to bring him in. 

But how do you catch a man who’s already dead?"

I'm honestly just really intrigued by the idea of discovering the afterlife and somehow exploiting that, so this book sounds like it might be a fascinating experiment. I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'm certainly looking forward to it!

The Mermaid by Christina Henry
Publication Date: June 19th, 2018
336 pages
Pre-order: Amazon Book Depository 
From Goodreads:

"From the author of Lost Boy comes a historical fairy tale about a mermaid who leaves the sea for love and later finds herself in P.T. Barnum's American Museum as the real Fiji mermaid. However, leaving the museum may be harder than leaving the sea ever was

Once there was a mermaid who longed to know of more than her ocean home and her people. One day a fisherman trapped her in his net but couldn't bear to keep her. But his eyes were lonely and caught her more surely than the net, and so she evoked a magic that allowed her to walk upon the shore. The mermaid, Amelia, became his wife, and they lived on a cliff above the ocean for ever so many years, until one day the fisherman rowed out to sea and did not return. 

P. T. Barnum was looking for marvelous attractions for his American Museum, and he'd heard a rumor of a mermaid who lived on a cliff by the sea. He wanted to make his fortune, and an attraction like Amelia was just the ticket. 

Amelia agreed to play the mermaid for Barnum, and she believes she can leave any time she likes. But Barnum has never given up a money-making scheme in his life, and he's determined to hold on to his mermaid."

I love Christina Henry's books and her newest upcoming release sounds like it will be just as amazing as her previous work (Lost Boy, Alice). I really can't wait to finally read this gorgeous thing!

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?

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